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webgen / static website generator

static website generation made easy!

Latest news

2007-12-31: Minor release with feature enhancements. More...

2007-09-08: Small bug fix release. More...

2007-06-29: Some bug fixes and one small feature enhancement. More...


Generated by webgen

General Information

Plugin name:Tag/BreadcrumbTrail (Tag/Default)
Author:Thomas Leitner <t_leitner@gmx.at>
Summary:Shows the hierarchy for the current page

Omits the last path component if it is an index file.

Omits the last path component.

separator" / "
Separates the hierachy entries from each other.

Handled tags:breadcrumbTrail


The breadcrumb trail tag is used to display the hierarchy for the current page. You can see it in action above the main content area.

The omitLast parameter can be used for always omitting the last path component in the trail (which is normally the page itself).

The omitIndexFile parameter can be used to omit the last path component if it is an index file for an directory (see File/DirectoryHandler for more information about index files). This behaviour can be overridden for individual index files by setting the meta information omitIndexFileInBreadcrumbTrail.


{breadcrumbTrail:} webgen / Documentation / Plugins / Tag / BreadcrumbTrail
{breadcrumbTrail: {separator: " HELLO "}} webgen HELLO Documentation HELLO Plugins HELLO Tag HELLO BreadcrumbTrail
{breadcrumbTrail: {omitLast: true}} webgen / Documentation / Plugins / Tag /