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webgen / static website generator

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2007-12-31: Minor release with feature enhancements. More...

2007-09-08: Small bug fix release. More...

2007-06-29: Some bug fixes and one small feature enhancement. More...


Generated by webgen

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General Information

Plugin name:File/DirectoryHandler (File/DefaultHandler)
Author:Thomas Leitner <t_leitner@gmx.at>
Summary:Handles directories
Handled paths:**/
Default Meta Information:
indexFile: index.page


The directory handler is used for handling directories, ie. it creates the target directories. Additionally an index file for each directory can be specified. If it is specified, this file is used instead of the plain directory index for displaying purposes. This means that when the directory path is resolved (e.g. by the Tag/Relocatable) the index file is returned.

The name of the index file is specified with the indexFile meta information on a directory node. This meta information is set by default and can be overridden globally by using the special defaultMetaInfo param for the DirectoryHandler in the configuration file or by setting it on individual directories using the meta information backing file.

The title for a directory can be set via the title meta information on the directory itself. However, if the directory has an index file, the meta information directoryName of the index file is used for the directory title. This allows different directory names based on the current language.

Normally, webgen shows a warning if it could not find the directory index file for a directory. However, there are most certainly directories which should not have an index file, e.g. a directory with only images. To prevent webgen from displaying warnings for such directories, you can set a null index file using the meta information backing file:

  indexFile: ~

This will prevent webgen from showing warnings because you explicitly define a null index file. This can also be done globally in the configuration file!