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webgen / static website generator

static website generation made easy!


webgen has been tested on Linux and on Windows XP with Ruby 1.8.4.


  • The basics pagecontains everything one needs to get going with webgen!
  • Descriptions for plugins can be found in the plugins section

Latest news

2007-12-31: Minor release with feature enhancements. More...

2007-09-08: Small bug fix release. More...

2007-06-29: Some bug fixes and one small feature enhancement. More...


Generated by webgen


The newest version of webgen can be downloaded from Rubyforge.

Homepage: webgen.rubyforge.org

Download: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=296


  • RedCloth version 2.0.10 or higher for Textile support (needed for examples and included website templates)
  • [optional] BlueCloth version 1.0.0 or higher if you want Markdown support
  • [optional] RMagick version 1.7.1 or higher if you want automatic thumbnail creation for image galleries
  • [optional] builder version 2.0.0 or higher if you want programatic HTML/XML file generation
  • [optional] exifr version 0.10 or higher if you want to be able to have EXIF information available for image galleries
  • [optional] coderay version or higher if you want syntax highlighting to be available for certain plugins

All the optional libraries can be installed via Rubygems (which I recommend). You can check the availability of the libraries by executing

$ webgen check libs

The output tells you whether webgen has been able to load the optional libraries or not!


The easiest way to install webgen is via Rubygems

$ gem install webgen

However, you can also use the included setup.rb installation method:

$ ruby setup.rb config
$ ruby setup.rb setup
$ ruby setup.rb install

Or all commands together via

$ rake install

The above listed methods also work when installing on Windows (preferred way is via Rubygems).