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Generates a menu that can be configured extensively.

Public Instance Methods

call(tag, body, context) click to toggle source

Generate the menu.

    # File lib/webgen/tag/menu.rb, line 57
57:     def call(tag, body, context)
58:       tree = specific_menu_tree_for(context.content_node)
60:       (context.dest_node.node_info[:tag_menu_menus] ||= {})[[@params.to_a.sort, context.content_node.alcn]] = (tree ? tree.to_lcn_list : nil)
62:       if !tree || tree.children.empty?
63:         ''
64:       elsif param('')
65:         create_output_nested(context, tree)
66:       else
67:         create_output_not_nested(context, tree)
68:       end
69:     end

Protected Instance Methods

build_specific_menu_tree(content_node, menu_node, level = 1) click to toggle source

Build a menu tree for content_node from the tree menu_node.

     # File lib/webgen/tag/menu.rb, line 108
108:     def build_specific_menu_tree(content_node, menu_node, level = 1)
109:       if menu_node.nil?          || level > param('') + param('') - 1          || ((level > param('') + param('') - 1)               && (menu_node.node.level >= content_node.level                    || (param('') && !content_node.in_subtree_of?(menu_node.node))
110:                  )
111:             )          || (level == param('') && !content_node.in_subtree_of?(menu_node.node))
112:         return nil
113:       end
115:       sub_menu_tree =, menu_node.node)
116:       menu_tree =, menu_node.node)
117:       menu_node.children.each do |child|
118:         next if param('') == 'files' && !child.is_in_tree_of_files?
119:         menu_tree.children << (this_node =, child.node))
120:         sub_node = child.children.length > 0 ? build_specific_menu_tree(content_node, child, level + 1) : nil
121:         sub_node.children.each {|n| this_node.children << n; sub_menu_tree.children << n} if sub_node
122:       end
124:       if level < param('')
125:         sub_menu_tree
126:       else
127:         menu_tree
128:       end
129:     end
create_menu_tree(node, parent, lang) click to toggle source

Create and return a menu tree if at least one node is in the menu or nil otherwise.

     # File lib/webgen/tag/menu.rb, line 191
191:     def create_menu_tree(node, parent, lang)
192:       menu_node =, node)
194: do |child|
195:         child.lang == lang || child.lang.nil? || child.is_directory?
196:       end.each do |child|
197:         sub_node = create_menu_tree(child, menu_node, lang)
198:         menu_node.children << sub_node unless sub_node.nil?
199:       end
200:       menu_node.is_in_tree_of_files = (!node.is_fragment? && node['in_menu']) || menu_node.children.any? {|c| c.is_in_tree_of_files?}
202:       menu_node.children.empty? ? (node['in_menu'] ? menu_node : nil) : menu_node
203:     end
create_output_nested(context, tree, level = 1) click to toggle source

Create the nested HTML menu of the tree using the provided context.

     # File lib/webgen/tag/menu.rb, line 137
137:     def create_output_nested(context, tree, level = 1)
138:       out = "<ul>"
139:       tree.children.each do |child|
140:         menu = child.children.length > 0 ? create_output_nested(context, child, level + 1) : ''
141:         style, link = menu_item_details(context.dest_node, child.node, context.content_node.lang, level)
143:         out << "<li #{style}>#{link}"
144:         out << menu
145:         out << "</li>"
146:       end
147:       out << "</ul>"
148:       out
149:     end
create_output_not_nested(context, tree, level = 1) click to toggle source

Create the not nested HTML menu of the tree using the provided context.

     # File lib/webgen/tag/menu.rb, line 152
152:     def create_output_not_nested(context, tree, level = 1)
153:       submenu = ''
154:       out = "<ul>"
155:       tree.children.each do |child|
156:         submenu << (child.children.length > 0 ? create_output_not_nested(context, child, level + 1) : '')
157:         style, link = menu_item_details(context.dest_node, child.node, context.content_node.lang, level)
159:         out << "<li #{style}>#{link}</li>"
160:       end
161:       out << "</ul>"
162:       out << submenu
163:       out
164:     end
node_changed?(node) click to toggle source

Check if the menus for node have changed.

    # File lib/webgen/tag/menu.rb, line 76
76:     def node_changed?(node)
77:       return if !node.node_info[:tag_menu_menus]
79:       node.node_info[:tag_menu_menus].each do |(params, cn_alcn), cached_tree|
80:         cn = node.tree[cn_alcn]
81:         menu_tree = menu_tree_for_lang(cn.lang, cn.tree.root)
83:         set_params(params.to_hash)
84:         tree = build_specific_menu_tree(cn, menu_tree)
85:         tree_list = tree.to_lcn_list if tree
86:         set_params({})
88:         if (tree.nil? && !cached_tree.nil?) || (tree_list && tree_list != cached_tree) ||
89:             (tree_list && tree_list.flatten.any? do |alcn|
90:                (n = node.tree[alcn]) && (r = n.routing_node(cn.lang)) && r != node && r.meta_info_changed?
91:              end)
92:           node.flag(:dirty)
93:           break
94:         end
95:       end
96:     end
specific_menu_tree_for(content_node) click to toggle source

Wrapper method for returning the specific menu tree for content_node.

     # File lib/webgen/tag/menu.rb, line 99
 99:     def specific_menu_tree_for(content_node)
100:       tree = menu_tree_for_lang(content_node.lang, content_node.tree.root)
101:       if param('') == 'fragments'
102:         @params[''] = param('') + content_node.level
103:       end
104:       build_specific_menu_tree(content_node, tree)
105:     end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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