Generates a breadcrumb trail for the page. This is especially useful when pages are in deep hierarchies of directories.
Create the breadcrumb trail.
# File lib/webgen/tag/breadcrumbtrail.rb, line 17 17: def call(tag, body, context) 18: out = breadcrumb_trail_list(context.content_node) 19: (context.dest_node.node_info[:tag_breadcrumb_trail] ||= {})[[@params.to_a.sort, context.content_node.alcn]] = out.map {|n| n.alcn} 20: out = out.map {|n| context.dest_node.link_to(n, :lang => context.content_node.lang) }. 21: join(param('tag.breadcrumbtrail.separator')) 22: log(:debug) { "Breadcrumb trail for <#{context.content_node}>: #{out}" } 23: out 24: end
Check if the breadcrumb trails for node have changed.
# File lib/webgen/tag/breadcrumbtrail.rb, line 51 51: def node_changed?(node) 52: return if !node.node_info[:tag_breadcrumb_trail] 53: 54: node.node_info[:tag_breadcrumb_trail].each do |(params, cn_alcn), cached_list| 55: cn = node.tree[cn_alcn] 56: set_params(params.to_hash) 57: list = breadcrumb_trail_list(cn) 58: set_params({}) 59: 60: if (list.map {|n| n.alcn} != cached_list) || 61: list.any? {|n| (r = n.routing_node(cn.lang)) && r != node && r.meta_info_changed?} 62: node.flag(:dirty) 63: break 64: end 65: end 66: end
Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.
Generated with the Darkfish Rdoc Generator 1.1.6.