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Represents a file, a directory or a fragment. A node always belongs to a Tree.

All needed meta and processing information is associated with a Node. The meta information is available throught the #[] and # accessors, the processing information through the # accessor.

Although node information should be changed by code, it is not advised to change meta information values in code since this may lead to unwanted behaviour!



The parent node. This is in all but one case a Node object. The one exception is that the parent of the Tree#dummy_node is a Tree object.


The child nodes of this node.


The full output path of this node.


The tree to which this node belongs.


The canonical name of this node.


The absolute canonical name of this node.


The localized canonical name of this node.


The absolute localized canonical name of this node.


The level of the node. The level specifies how deep the node is in the hierarchy.


The language of this node.


Meta information associated with the node.

Public Class Methods

new(parent, path, cn, meta_info = {}) click to toggle source

Create a new Node instance.

parent (immutable)

The parent node under which this nodes should be created.

path (immutable)

The full output path for this node. If this node is a directory, the path must have a trailing slash (dir/). If it is a fragment, the hash sign must be the first character of the path (#). This can also be an absolute path like

cn (immutable)

The canonical name for this node. Needs to be of the form basename.ext or basename where basename does not contain any dots. Also, the basename must not include a language part!


A hash with meta information for the new node.

The language of a node is taken from the meta information lang and the entry is deleted from the meta information hash. The language cannot be changed afterwards! If no lang key is found, the node is language neutral.

    # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 78
78:     def initialize(parent, path, cn, meta_info = {})
79:       @parent = parent
80:       @cn = cn.freeze
81:       @children = []
82:       reinit(path, meta_info)
83:       init_rest
84:     end
url(name, make_absolute = true) click to toggle source

Construct an internal URL for the given name which can be an acn/alcn/path. If the parameter make_absolute is true, then a relative URL will be made absolute by prepending the special URL webgen:://webgen.localhost/.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 228
228:     def self.url(name, make_absolute = true)
229:       url = URI::parse(URI::escape(name, URL_UNSAFE_PATTERN))
230:       url = URI::parse('webgen://webgen.localhost/') + url unless url.absolute? || !make_absolute
231:       url
232:     end

Public Instance Methods

<=>(other) click to toggle source

Sort nodes by using the meta info sort_info (or title if sort_info is not set) of both involved nodes.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 211
211:     def <=>(other)
212:       self_so = (@meta_info['sort_info'] && @meta_info['sort_info'].to_s) || @meta_info['title'] || ''
213:       other_so = (other['sort_info'] && other['sort_info'].to_s) || other['title'] || ''
214:       if self_so !~ /\D/ && other_so !~ /\D/
215:         self_so = self_so.to_i
216:         other_so = other_so.to_i
217:       end
218:       self_so <=> other_so
219:     end
=~(pattern) click to toggle source

Return true if the alcn matches the pattern. See Webgen::Path.match for more information.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 205
205:     def =~(pattern)
206:       Webgen::Path.match(@alcn, pattern)
207:     end
[](key) click to toggle source

Return the meta information item for key.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 104
104:     def [](key)
105:       @meta_info[key]
106:     end
[]=(key, value) click to toggle source

Assign value to the meta information item for key.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 109
109:     def []=(key, value)
110:       @meta_info[key] = value
111:     end
changed?() click to toggle source

Return true if the node has changed since the last webgen run. If it has changed, dirty is set to true.

Sends the message :node_changed? with self as argument unless the node is already dirty. A listener to this message should set the flag :dirty on the passed node if he thinks it is dirty.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 162
162:     def changed?
163:       if_not_checked(:node) do
164:         flag(:dirty) if meta_info_changed? || user_nodes_changed? ||
165:           node_info[:used_nodes].any? {|n| n != @alcn && (!tree[n] || tree[n].changed?)} ||
166:           node_info[:used_meta_info_nodes].any? {|n| n != @alcn && (!tree[n] || tree[n].meta_info_changed?)}
167:         website.blackboard.dispatch_msg(:node_changed?, self) unless flagged?(:dirty)
168:       end
169:       flagged?(:dirty)
170:     end
find(opts = {}) click to toggle source
     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 360
360:     def find(opts = {})
361:       if opts[:alcn]
362:         opts[:alcn] = Path.make_absolute(is_directory? ? alcn : parent.alcn.sub(/#.*$/, ''), opts[:alcn].to_s)
363:       end
364:       opts[:levels] = 100000 unless opts.has_key?(:levels)
366:       result = find_nodes(opts, nil, 1)
367:       result.flatten! if result && (opts[:limit] || opts[:offset])
368:       result.sort!(opts[:sort]) if result
369:       result.children = result.children[(opts[:offset].to_s.to_i)..(opts[:limit] ? opts[:offset].to_s.to_i + opts[:limit].to_s.to_i - 1 : 1)]
370:       result
371:     end
flag(*keys) click to toggle source

Flag the node with the keys and dispatch the message :node_flagged with self and keys as arguments. See # for valid keys.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 144
144:     def flag(*keys)
145:       @flags += keys
146:       website.blackboard.dispatch_msg(:node_flagged, self, keys)
147:     end
flagged?(key) click to toggle source

Check if the node is flagged with one of the following:


Has the node been created or has it been read from the cache?


Does the node need to be reinitialized?


Set by other objects to true if they think the object has changed since the last run. Must not be set to false once it is true!


Set by other objects to true if the meta information of the node has changed since the last run. Must not be set to false once it is true!

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 138
138:     def flagged?(key)
139:       @flags.include?(key)
140:     end
in_lang(lang) click to toggle source

Return the node with the same canonical name but in language lang or, if no such node exists, an unlocalized version of the node. If no such node is found either, nil is returned.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 246
246:     def in_lang(lang)
247:       avail = @tree.node_access[:acn][@acn]
248:       avail.find do |n|
249:         n = n.parent while n.is_fragment?
250:         n.lang == lang
251:       end || avail.find do |n|
252:         n = n.parent while n.is_fragment?
253:         n.lang.nil?
254:       end
255:     end
in_subtree_of?(node) click to toggle source

Check if the this node is in the subtree which is spanned by node. The check is performed using only the parent information of the involved nodes, NOT the actual path/alcn values!

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 237
237:     def in_subtree_of?(node)
238:       temp = self
239:       temp = temp.parent while temp != tree.dummy_root && temp != node
240:       temp != tree.dummy_root
241:     end
inspect() click to toggle source

Return an informative representation of the node.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 200
200:     def inspect
201:       "<##{}: alcn=#{@alcn}>"
202:     end
is_directory?() click to toggle source

Check if the node is a directory.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 119
119:     def is_directory?; @path[1] == // && !is_fragment?; end
is_file?() click to toggle source

Check if the node is a file.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 122
122:     def is_file?; !is_directory? && !is_fragment?; end
is_fragment?() click to toggle source

Check if the node is a fragment.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 125
125:     def is_fragment?; @cn[0] == ## end
is_root?() click to toggle source

Check if the node is the root node.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 128
128:     def is_root?; self == tree.root;  end
meta_info_changed?() click to toggle source

Return true if the meta information of the node has changed.

Sends the message :node_meta_info_changed? with self as argument unless the meta information of the node is already dirty. A listener to this message should set the flag :dirt_meta_info on the passed node if he thinks that the node’s meta information is dirty.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 187
187:     def meta_info_changed?
188:       if_not_checked(:meta_info) do
189:         website.blackboard.dispatch_msg(:node_meta_info_changed?, self) unless flagged?(:dirty_meta_info)
190:       end
191:       flagged?(:dirty_meta_info)
192:     end
node_info() click to toggle source

Return the node information hash which contains information for processing the node.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 114
114:     def node_info
115:       tree.node_info[@alcn] ||= {}
116:     end
reinit(path, meta_info = {}) click to toggle source

Re-initializes an already initialized node and resets it to its pristine state.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 87
 87:     def reinit(path, meta_info = {})
 88:       old_path = @path if defined?(@path)
 89:       @path = path.freeze
 90:       @lang = Webgen::LanguageManager.language_for_code(meta_info.delete('lang'))
 91:       @lang = nil unless is_file?
 92:       @meta_info = meta_info
 93:       @flags =[:dirty, :created])
 94:       if defined?(@tree)
 95:         @tree.node_access[:path].delete(old_path) if old_path
 96:         @tree.register_path(self)
 97:         self.node_info.clear
 98:         self.node_info[:used_nodes] =
 99:         self.node_info[:used_meta_info_nodes] =
100:       end
101:     end
resolve(path, lang = nil, use_passive_sources = true) click to toggle source

Return the node representing the given path which can be an acn/alcn. The path can be absolute (i.e. starting with a slash) or relative to the current node. If no node exists for the given path or if the path is invalid, nil is returned.

If the path is an alcn and a node is found, it is returned. If the path is an acn, the correct localized node according to lang is returned or if no such node exists but an unlocalized version does, the unlocalized node is returned.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 264
264:     def resolve(path, lang = nil, use_passive_sources = true)
265:       orig_path = path
266:       url = self.class.url(@alcn) + self.class.url(path, false)
268:       path = url.path + (url.fragment.nil? ? '' : '#' + url.fragment)
269:       return nil if path =~ /^\/\.\./
271:       node = @tree[path, :alcn]
272:       if !node || node.acn == path
273:         (node = (@tree[path, :acn] || @tree[path + '/', :acn])) && (node = node.in_lang(lang))
274:       end
275:       if !node && use_passive_sources && !website.config['passive_sources'].empty?
276:         nodes = website.blackboard.invoke(:create_nodes_from_paths, [path])
277:         node = resolve(orig_path, lang, false)
278:         node.node_info[:used_meta_info_nodes] += nodes.collect {|n| n.alcn} if node
279:       end
280:       node
281:     end
route_to(other) click to toggle source

Return the relative path to the given path other. The parameter other can be a Node or a String.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 285
285:     def route_to(other)
286:       my_url = self.class.url(@path)
287:       other_url = if other.kind_of?(Node)
288:                     self.class.url(other.routing_node(@lang).path)
289:                   elsif other.kind_of?(String)
290:                     my_url + other
291:                   else
292:                     raise ArgumentError, "improper class for argument"
293:                   end
295:       # resolve any '.' and '..' paths in the target url
296:       if other_url.path =~ /\/\.\.?\// && other_url.scheme == 'webgen'
297:         other_url.path =
298:       end
299:       route = my_url.route_to(other_url).to_s
300:       (route == '' ? File.basename(self.path) : route)
301:     end
routing_node(lang, log_warning = true) click to toggle source

Return the routing node in language lang which is the node that is used when routing to this node. The returned node can differ from the node itself in case of a directory where the routing node is the directory index node. If show_warning is true and this node is a directory node, then a warning is logged if no associated index file is found.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 307
307:     def routing_node(lang, log_warning = true)
308:       if !is_directory?
309:         self
310:       else
311:         key = [alcn, :index_node, lang]
312:         vcache = website.cache.volatile
313:         return vcache[key] if vcache.has_key?(key)
315:         index_path = self.meta_info['index_path']
316:         if index_path.nil?
317:           vcache[key] = self
318:         else
319:           index_node = resolve(index_path, lang)
320:           if index_node
321:             vcache[key] = index_node
322:             log(:info) { "Directory index path for <#{alcn}> => <#{index_node}>" }
323:           elsif log_warning
324:             vcache[key] = self
325:             log(:warn) { "No directory index path found for directory <#{alcn}>" }
326:           end
327:         end
328:         vcache[key] || self
329:       end
330:     end
to_s() click to toggle source

Return the string representation of the node which is just the alcn.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 195
195:     def to_s
196:       @alcn
197:     end
unflag(*keys) click to toggle source

Remove the flags keys from the node and dispatch the message :node_unflagged with self and keys as arguments.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 151
151:     def unflag(*keys)
152:       @flags.subtract(keys)
153:       website.blackboard.dispatch_msg(:node_unflagged, self, keys)
154:     end

Protected Instance Methods

find_nodes(opts, parent, level) click to toggle source
     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 373
373:     def find_nodes(opts, parent, level)
374:       result =, self)
376:       children.each do |child|
377:         c_result = child.find_nodes(opts, result, level + 1)
378:         result.children << c_result unless c_result.nil?
379:       end if opts[:levels] && level <= opts[:levels]
381:       (!result.children.empty? || find_match?(opts) ? result : nil)
382:     end

Private Instance Methods

find_match?(opts) click to toggle source
     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 385
385:     def find_match?(opts)
386:       (!opts[:alcn] || self =~ opts[:alcn])
387:     end
if_not_checked(type) click to toggle source

Only run the code in the block if this node has not already been checked. Different checks are supported by setting a different type value.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 413
413:     def if_not_checked(type)
414:       array = (website.cache.volatile[:node_change_checking] ||= {})[type] ||= []
415:       if !array.include?(self)
416:         array << self
417:         yield
418:         array.delete(self)
419:       end
420:     end
init_rest() click to toggle source

Do the rest of the initialization.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 395
395:     def init_rest
396:       @lcn = Path.lcn(@cn, @lang)
397:       @acn = (@parent.kind_of?(Tree) ? '' : @parent.acn.sub(/#.*$/, '') + @cn)
398:       @alcn = (@parent.kind_of?(Tree) ? '' : @parent.alcn.sub(/#.*$/, '') + @lcn)
400:       @level = 1
401:       @tree = @parent
402:       (@level += 1; @tree = @tree.parent) while !@tree.kind_of?(Tree)
404:       @tree.register_node(self)
405:       @parent.children << self unless @parent == @tree
407:       self.node_info[:used_nodes] =
408:       self.node_info[:used_meta_info_nodes] =
409:     end
method_missing(name, *args, &block) click to toggle source

Delegate missing methods to a processor. The current node is placed into the argument array as the first argument before the method name is invoked on the processor.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 424
424:     def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
425:       if node_info[:processor]
426:         website.cache.instance(node_info[:processor]).send(name, *([self] + args), &block)
427:       else
428:         super
429:       end
430:     end
user_nodes_changed?() click to toggle source

Return true if any node matching a pattern from the meta information used_nodes has changed.

     # File lib/webgen/node.rb, line 173
173:     def user_nodes_changed?
174:       pattern = [@meta_info['used_nodes']].flatten.compact.collect {|pat| Webgen::Path.make_absolute(parent.alcn, pat)}
175:       tree.node_access[:alcn].any? do |path, n|
176:         pattern.any? {|pat| n =~ pat && n.changed?}
177:       end if pattern.length > 0
178:     end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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