This class is used to provide access to sources provided by resources.
Create a new resource source for the the glob and use only those paths matching paths_glob while stripping strip_prefix off the path.
# File lib/webgen/source/resource.rb, line 25 25: def initialize(glob, paths_glob = nil, strip_prefix = nil) 26: @glob, @paths_glob, @strip_prefix = glob, paths_glob, strip_prefix 27: end
Return all paths associated with the resources identified by #.
# File lib/webgen/source/resource.rb, line 30 30: def paths 31: if !defined?(@paths) 32: stack = 33: website.config['resources'].select {|name, infos| File.fnmatch(@glob, name)}.sort.each do |name, infos| 34: stack.add([['/', Webgen::Common.const_for_name(infos.first).new(*infos[1..1])]]) 35: end 36: @paths = stack.paths 37: @paths = {|p| File.fnmatch(@paths_glob, p)} if @paths_glob 38: @paths.collect! {|p| p.mount_at('/', @strip_prefix)} if @strip_prefix 39: end 40: @paths 41: end
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