Namespace for all classes that act as CLI commands.
Each CLI command class needs to be put into this module and has to end with Command, otherwise it is not used. A CLI command is an extension that can be invoked from the webgen command and thus needs to be derived from CmdParse::Command. For detailed information on this class and the whole cmdparse package have a look at!
Here is a sample CLI command extension which could be put, for example, into the ext/init.rb of a webgen website:
require 'webgen/cli' class Webgen::CLI::SampleCommand < CmdParse::Command def initialize super('sample', false) self.short_desc = "This sample command just outputs its parameters" self.description = Webgen::CLI::Utils.format("Uses the global verbosity level and outputs additional " + "information when the level is set to verbose!") @username = nil self.options = do |opts| opts.separator "Options:" opts.on('-u', '--user USER', String, 'Specify an additional user name to output') {|username| @username = username} end end def execute(args) if args.length == 0 raise'ARG1 [ARG2 ...]') else puts "Command line arguments:" args.each {|arg| puts arg} if commandparser.verbosity == :verbose puts "Yeah, some additional information is always cool!" end puts "The entered username: #{@username}" if @username end end end
Note the use of Webgen::CLI::Utils.format in the initialize method so that the long text gets wrapped correctly! The Utils class provides some other useful methods, too!
For information about which attributes are available on the webgen command parser instance have a look at Webgen::CLI::CommandParser!
Return an array of lines which represents the text in content formatted sothat no line is longer than width characters. The indent parameter specifies the amount of spaces prepended to each line. If first_line_indented is true, then the first line is indented.
# File lib/webgen/cli/utils.rb, line 44 44: def self.format(content, indent = 0, first_line_indented = false, width = DEFAULT_WIDTH) 45: content = (content || '').dup 46: length = width - indent 47: 48: paragraphs = content.split(/\n\n/) 49: if (0..1) === paragraphs.length 50: pattern = /^(.{0,#{length}})[ \n]/ 51: lines = [] 52: while content.length > length 53: if content =~ pattern 54: str = $1 55: len = $&.length 56: else 57: str = content[0, length] 58: len = length 59: end 60: lines << (lines.empty? && !first_line_indented ? '' : ' '*indent) + str.gsub(/\n/, ' ') 61: content.slice!(0, len) 62: end 63: lines << (lines.empty? && !first_line_indented ? '' : ' '*indent) + content.gsub(/\n/, ' ') unless content.strip.empty? 64: lines 65: else 66: ((format(paragraphs.shift, indent, first_line_indented, width) << '') + 67: paragraphs.collect {|p| format(p, indent, true, width) << '' }).flatten[0..2] 68: end 69: end
Creates a listing of the key-value pairs of hash under a section called name.
# File lib/webgen/cli/utils.rb, line 84 84: def self.hash_output(name, hash) 85: ljust = 20 86: puts section('Name', ljust) + "#{lred(name)}" 87: 88: hash.sort_by {|k,v| k.to_s }.each do |name, value| 89: next unless value.respond_to?(:to_str) 90: desc = format(value.to_str, ljust) 91: puts section(name.to_s.capitalize, ljust) + desc.shift 92: desc.each {|line| puts line} 93: end 94: puts 95: end
Return a headline with the given text and amount of indent.
# File lib/webgen/cli/utils.rb, line 72 72: def self.headline(text, indent = 2) 73: ' '*indent + "#{bold(text)}" 74: end
Tries to match name to a unique bundle name of the WebsiteManager wm. If this can not be done, it is checked whether name is actually a valid bundle URL and if so, the URL source is added to the bundles of wm.
Returns the correct bundle name or raises an error.
# File lib/webgen/cli/utils.rb, line 102 102: def self.match_bundle_name(wm, name) 103: matches = {|k| k =~ /#{Regexp.escape(name)}/} 104: if matches.size > 1 105: raise"#{name} matches more than one bundle: #{matches.join(", ")}") 106: elsif matches.size == 0 107: begin 108: source = 109: wm.add_source(source, 'custom-URL-source') 110: name = 'custom-URL-source' 111: rescue 112: raise"#{name} is neither a valid bundle name nor a valid URL") 113: end 114: else 115: name = matches.first 116: end 117: name 118: end
Used for dynamically formatting the text (setting color, bold face, …).
# File lib/webgen/cli/utils.rb, line 33 33: def self.method_missing(id, text = nil) 34: if USE_ANSI_COLORS && Color.respond_to?(id) 35: Color.send(id, text.to_s) 36: else 37: text.to_s 38: end 39: end
Return a section header with the given text formatted in the given color and indented according to indent. The whole text is also left justified to the column specified with ljustlength.
# File lib/webgen/cli/utils.rb, line 79 79: def self.section(text, ljustlength = 0, indent = 4, color = :green) 80: ' '*indent + "#{send(color, text)}".ljust(ljustlength - indent + send(color).length) 81: end
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