This module should be mixed into any class that wants to serve as a webgen tag class. Have a look a the example below to see how a basic tag class looks like.
A tag class is a webgen extension that handles specific webgen tags. webgen tags are used to add dynamic content to page and template files and are made for ease of use.
A tag class can handle multiple different tags. Just add a (tag name)-(class name) pair to the configuration entry for each tag name you want to associate with the tag class. The special name :default is used for the default tag class which is called if a tag with an unknown tag name is encountered.
The only method needed to be written is call which is called by the tags content processor to the actual processing. And the initialize method must not take any parameters!
Tag classes can also choose to not use this module. If they don’t use it they have to provide the following methods: set_params, create_tag_params, create_params_hash, call.
webgen tags allow the specification of parameters in the tag definition. The method tag_params_list returns all configuration entries that can be set this way. And the method tag_config_base is used to resolve partially stated configuration entries. The default method uses the full class name, strips a Webgen:: part at the beginning away, substitutes . for :: and makes everything lowercase.
An additional configuration entry option is also used: :mandatory. If this key is set to true for a configuration entry, the entry counts as mandatory and needs to be set in the tag definition. If this key is set to default, this means that this entry should be the default mandatory parameter (used when only a string is provided in the tag definition). There should be only one default mandatory parameter.
Following is a simple tag class example which just reverses the body text and adds some information about the context to the result. Note that the class does not reside in the Webgen::Tag namespace and that the configuration entry is therefore also not under the tag. namespace.
class Reverser include Webgen::Tag::Base def call(tag, body, context) result = param('do_reverse') ? body.reverse : body result += "Node: " + context.content_node.alcn + " (" + context.content_node['title'] + ")" result += "Reference node: " + context.ref_node.alcn result end end nil, :mandatory => 'default'['']['reverse'] = 'Reverser'
Default implementation for processing a tag. The parameter tag specifies the name of the tag which should be processed (useful for tag classes which process different tags).
The parameter body holds the optional body value for the tag.
The context parameter holds all relevant information for processing. Have a look at the Webgen::Context class to see what is available.
The method has to return the result of the tag processing and, optionally, a boolean value specifying if the result should further be processed (ie. webgen tags replaced).
Needs to be redefined by classes that mixin this module!
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 121 121: def call(tag, body, context) 122: raise NotImplementedError 123: end
Create and return the parameter hash from config which needs to be a Hash, a String or nil.
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 80 80: def create_params_hash(config, node) 81: params = tag_params_list 82: result = case config 83: when Hash then create_from_hash(config, params, node) 84: when String then create_from_string(config, params, node) 85: when NilClass then {} 86: else 87: raise"Invalid parameter type (#{config.class})", 88:, nil, node) 89: end 90: 91: unless params.all? {|k| !website.config.meta_info[k][:mandatory] || result.has_key?(k)} 92: raise"Not all mandatory parameters set",, nil, node) 93: end 94: 95: result 96: end
Create a hash with parameter values extracted from the string tag_config and return it.
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 69 69: def create_tag_params(tag_config, ref_node) 70: begin 71: config = YAML::load("--- #{tag_config}") 72: rescue ArgumentError => e 73: raise"Could not parse the tag params '#{tag_config}': #{e.message}", 74:, nil, ref_node) 75: end 76: create_params_hash(config, ref_node) 77: end
Retrieve the parameter value for name. The value is taken from the current parameter configuration if the parameter is specified there or from the website configuration otherwise.
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 105 105: def param(name) 106: (defined?(@params) && @params.has_key?(name) ? @params[name] : website.config[name]) 107: end
Return a valid parameter hash taking values from config which has to be a Hash.
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 145 145: def create_from_hash(config, params, node) 146: result = {} 147: config.each do |key, value| 148: if params.include?(key) 149: result[key] = value 150: elsif params.include?(tag_config_base + '.' + key) 151: result[tag_config_base + '.' + key] = value 152: else 153: log(:warn) { "Invalid parameter '#{key}' for tag '#{}' in <#{node}>" } 154: end 155: end 156: result 157: end
Return a valid parameter hash by setting value to the default mandatory parameter.
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 160 160: def create_from_string(value, params, node) 161: param_name = params.find {|k| website.config.meta_info[k][:mandatory] == 'default'} 162: if param_name.nil? 163: log(:error) { "No default mandatory parameter specified for tag '#{}' but set in <#{node}>"} 164: {} 165: else 166: {param_name => value} 167: end 168: end
The base part of the configuration name. This isthe class name without the Webgen module downcased and all “::” substituted with “.” (e.g. Webgen::Tag::Menu -> By overriding this method one can provide a different way of specifying the base part of the configuration name.
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 133 133: def tag_config_base 134:'::', '.').gsub(/^Webgen\./, '').downcase 135: end
Return the list of all parameters for the tag class. All configuration options starting with tag_config_base are used.
# File lib/webgen/tag/base.rb, line 139 139: def tag_params_list 140: regexp = /^#{tag_config_base}/ 141: {|key| key =~ regexp} 142: end
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