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webgen / static website generator

static website generation made easy!

Latest news

2007-12-31: Minor release with feature enhancements. More...

2007-09-08: Small bug fix release. More...

2007-06-29: Some bug fixes and one small feature enhancement. More...


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General Information

Plugin name:File/SipttraHandler (File/DefaultHandler)
Author:Thomas Leitner <t_leitner@gmx.at>
Summary:Handles sipttra (Simple Plain Text Tracker) files
Handled paths:**/*.todo
Default Meta Information:
template: /sipttra.template


This plugin handles sipttra (Simple Plain Text Tracker) files. This is a custom text format which one can use if a sophisticated tracker like Bugzilla or Trac is an overkill.

The special key webgen-metainfo in the meta information section of a sipttra file can be used to define meta information for the generated page.

If you have created a sipttra file, you should also use a sipttra style to specify how the generated tracker page should look like.