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webgen / static website generator

static website generation made easy!

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  • The basics pagecontains everything one needs to get going with webgen!
  • Descriptions for plugins can be found in the plugins section

Latest news

2007-12-31: Minor release with feature enhancements. More...

2007-09-08: Small bug fix release. More...

2007-06-29: Some bug fixes and one small feature enhancement. More...


Generated by webgen

List of example websites

Here is a list of the available example sites:

  • webgen homepage: included in the webgen distribution in the doc directory

    The webgen homepage uses many features of webgen so it is a very good example for a webgen website.

  • personal homepage example: File iconpersonal.zip (25.92 KiB)

    From the README:

    This is an example site for a personal homepage done with webgen. Have a look at the files in the src directory to see what it takes to make the homepage.

    It features, among others, the following things:

    • multilingual pages
    • dynamic menu generation with some static parts
    • an automatically generated breadcrumb trail
    • pages in different markup languages (textile, markdown)

    By running webgen in this directory, the homepage gets built and you can view the output in the output directory with a browser.

    Note: this example requires redcloth to be installed for Textile support!

  • photo gallery example: File iconphoto_gallery.zip (1.19 MiB)

    From the README:

    This example shows you how to create a simple photo gallery with webgen. It also shows how to use image navigation links in the main template.

    To create the output just run webgen in this directory!

    Note: this example requires redcloth to be installed for Textile support!