
SummaryAutomatically generates atom or RSS feeds for a set of files
Short namefeed
Path patterns defined
via /default.metainfo
Provided by bundlebuilt-in
API docWebgen::PathHandler::Feed


This path handler automatically generates an atom or RSS feed for a set of paths from a path in Webgen Page Format.


The atom and RSS feed nodes are created by specifying special node version names. Only the node version names ‘rss’ and ‘atom’ are allowed. So an RSS feed node is created if the ‘rss’ version name is specified and an atom node is created if the ‘atom’ version name is specified.

By default, both atom and RSS nodes are created for a feed node because of the meta information in the passive /default.metainfo path.

The  website.base_url configuration option needs to be set so that this path handler can correctly generate absolute URLs.

Special Meta Information Keys for Feed Nodes

entries (mandatory)
A node finder option set which specifies the paths that should be included in the feed.

Note that the resulting node set is flattened even if the ‘flatten’ option is not used. It is also advisable to use the sort: modified_at option to ensure that the feed entries are correctly sorted!

 author (mandatory)
Specifies the feed author.
 author_url (optional)
Specifies the URL of the homepage of the author.
description (optional)
A short description for the feed.
 created_at (optional)
The time at which this feed was created. Defaults to the current time if not set. Only used in RSS feed nodes.
content_block_name (optional)
The name of the block that should be used for the content of the feed entries. If not specified the name ‘content’ is used. Be aware that each feed entry node needs to have such a block!

Meta Information Keys of Entry Nodes Used in a Feed

The time at which the entry was created. Only used as the publication time of the entry in atom feed nodes.
The time at which the entry was last modified. Used as the publication time of the entry in RSS feed nodes and as the update time of the entry in atom feed nodes.
Used as title of the feed entry.
The name of the author of the entry node. Only used in atom feed nodes!
The URL of the homepage of the author of the entry node. Only used if the author information is also set and only used in atom feed nodes!

Feed Templates

webgen ships a template /templates/feed.template for the generation of atom and RSS feeds. This template contains two blocks:

  • The atom_template block is used for the generation of atom feed nodes.
  • The rss_template block is used for the generation of RSS feed nodes.

It is possible to customize the generated feed files by adding an atom_template block and/or and rss_template block to the feed node itself or by customizing the /templates/feed.template template.