Getting Started
For this introduction we assume that you have already installed webgen and the needed dependencies. Apart from that knowledge of Markdown and YAML are a plus but are not absolutely needed.
Creating the Website Directory
webgen needs a special directory structure so that it works out of the box (i.e. without further configuration). To create this directory structure use the following command:
$ webgen create website getting_started
Created a new webgen website in <getting_started>
The created directory is later referred to as the website directory. It contains some directories and files:
$ cd getting_started; ls -lR
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 thomas thomas 4096 Jul 30 16:59 ext
drwxrwxr-x 2 thomas thomas 4096 Jul 30 16:59 src
-rw-rw-r-- 1 thomas thomas 652 Jul 30 16:59 webgen.config
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 thomas thomas 566 Jul 30 16:59 init.rb
total 0
The src/
directory is where you put all your source files (the source directory) and the
configuration file webgen.config
can be used for setting configuration options. You can safely
ignore the ext/
directory for now (it is the place where you put your own webgen extensions).
This directory structure is the default but webgen can work with any directory structure if needed.
The official webgen extension bundle ‘templates’ provides some pre-designed website templates for you to use. The bundle can be installed with
webgen install templates
and after that the-t
option ofwebgen create website
can be used to specify a website template when creating a new website.
Generating the Website
If your current working directory is the website directory you can just run the webgen
command and
it will work. So for the remainder of this guide we assume that your current working directory is
the website directory.
To generate the output for your website execute the following command:
$ webgen generate
INFO Generating website...
INFO [create] </>
INFO ... done in 0.03 seconds
Since this is the most often used sub command, you can also just execute
and it will do the same.You also don’t need to type the whole name of a sub command, the first few unique letters are sufficient. So
webgen generate
,webgen gen
or evenwebgen g
will do the same.
After executing the command you will find a new empty directory called out/
in the website
directory. This is the destination directory where all the generated output will be put.
Since there is nothing in the source directory, there is also nothing in the destination directory for now.
Another directory called
has also been created in the website directory while webgen generated the website. This directory is used for storing cache data and temporary files between invocations of webgen. The temporary directory can be deleted, however, when no cached data is available for webgen to work with it will not work with its full potential (for example, partial website generation will only work if cached data is available)!
Adding Content and a Template
Our website is currently empty, so we need to add some content. Since you are using a static website generator, you probably want to separate the content from the overall look of your website - webgen can help you with that!
All files and directories inside the source directory are from now on referred to as source paths or just paths.
webgen provides an extensible framework for handling different types of source paths. For now the three most important of these extensions, called path handlers, are path handler copy (copies path verbatim or with some processing applied from the source directory to the destination directory), path handler page (handles the paths with the actual content for your web pages) and path handler template (handles website templates).
By default the path handler page uses source paths with the extension .page
and the path handler
template those with the extension .template
. The path handler copy is associated with common
static extensions like .css
, .html
, .jpg
, …
Adding A Content File
The content for a web page is specified inside a page path, i.e. a source path that is handled by the path handler page.
Page paths as well as template paths and all other custom file formats use the Webgen Page Format. This is a simple file format that allows the specification of one or more content sections as well as a meta information section.
Create a new file called src/
and put some text in it, for example:
This is some sample content.
Now let webgen generate the website:
$ webgen
INFO Generating website...
INFO [update] </>
INFO [create] </index.html>
WARN Default template 'default.template' not found in root directory!
INFO ... done in 0.11 seconds
The output tells us that in the destination directory out/
a file called index.html
was created,
with the following content:
<p>This is some sample content.</p>
As you can see, some transformation was done. This is because webgen uses a processing pipeline to process the content of page and template paths using so called content processors.
By default the content of page paths is assumed to be in the Markdown format, more specifically, kramdown is used for processing. Template paths are assumed to be plain HTML.
The processing pipelines for page and template paths do contain more than one content processors by default, see path handler page and path handler template for details.
Information about the page itself, like the page title, a description or whatever you want, can be added to the beginning of a path in Webgen Page Format like this:
title: My Page Title
description: Some fancy description
This is some sample content.
Such information is called meta information because it is information about the path itself. You can add any meta information keys you want and access their values later. However, webgen uses some meta information keys for special purposes, see the meta information reference. These keys should be used in the way webgen expects them to be.
Another thing to notice in the shell output above is that webgen tells you that the default template
is missing. If no special template is assigned to a page path webgen looks for a /default.template
to use when rendering a page.
Adding a Template
Create the file src/default.template
with the following content:
<webgen:block name="content" />
The <webgen:block name="content" />
part tells webgen where to put the rendered content of page
paths (see content processor blocks for more information).
Now run webgen again:
$ webgen
INFO Generating website...
INFO [update] </>
INFO [update] </index.html>
INFO ... done in 0.09 seconds
When you look at out/index.html
you see that the rendered content of the page was inserted into
the template:
<title>My Page Title</title>
<p>This is some sample content.</p>
Since webgen automatically creates relative links, you will have a fully functional website without needing a web server! This also implies that you can deploy your website to any directory on your web server and it will just work!
Adding Dynamic Content
A static website is, as the name implies, static. However, since we generate the website it is possible to add some dynamicity to it. For example, it gets very tedious to update menu links every time a file is added that should be in the menu.
Therefore webgen provides ways to add dynamic content via certain content processors. The easiest one to use is content processor tags which is included in the default processing pipelines for both page and template paths.
webgen tags are a way to add dynamic content without knowing a programming language (although this limits you to the existing tags). You just state what tag you want to use and it does its job. For example, there exists a very flexible menu generation tag.
You have already encountered a webgen tag in the last section when you created the
file: the {title:}
tag. It has been automatically replaced by the value
of the “title” meta information key.
Now add a second page file src/
with some content and insert the following into the
default template directly after the <body>
{menu: {options: {alcn: '**/*.en.html', sort: true, absolute_levels: 1}}}
Then run webgen again and open the generated out/index.html
file in a browser. A menu containing
all pages has been generated.
Showing Dependencies Of Nodes
If you change either src/
or src/
now, both pages will be re-generated
because webgen automatically creates dependencies between the pages if they depend upon each other.
It is sometimes useful to check these dependencies which can be done with the following command:
$ webgen show dep
Content from node </templates/tag.template>
Content from node </default.template>
Any meta info from </index.en.html>
Meta info from these nodes (result of node_finder_option_set):
Content from node </templates/tag.template>
Content from node </default.template>
Any meta info from </about.en.html>
Meta info from these nodes (result of node_finder_option_set):
As you can see above the names used for the paths are neither source path nor the destination path names. This is because webgen generates an internal structure called the node tree from the source paths.
This tree contains so called nodes that hold all necessary information and each such node represents one destination path. One source path can potentially be used to create multiple nodes and therefore multiple destination paths.
Each node also has a unique name called absolute localized canonical name, short alcn, which is constructed from the source path name. This unique name is what is shown in the shell output above.
Setting configuration options
webgen provides a default configuration out of the box. If you can live with that, you do not need
to change any configuration option. However, most users need to change some configuration option
sometime. The configuration file is called webgen.config
and has to be placed directly into the
website directory.
The configuration file can either be a simple YAML file or a Ruby source file which allows one to programmatically set configuration options (as well as do other advanced things).
Create the configuration webgen.config
and put the following in it:
destination: [file_system, custom_out]
This changes the location of the destination directory from out/
to custom_out/
. When you run
webgen again you will find that this new destination directory was created and contains the expected
Have a look at the Configuration Options Reference to get an overview over all available configuration options.
We walked you through the basic steps of creating a new webgen website and filling it with templates and the page files. Templates allow you to specify the overall look of your website in one place and pages let you define the content.
If this guide has made webgen interesting to you and you want to know more about webgen and how it works, look at the webgen manual!
And if you want to have a look at a large website made entirely with webgen, just have a look at the source for this website: