

Included Modules

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Provides easy access to the meta information of a node.

Public Instance Methods

call(tag, body, context) click to toggle source

Return the meta information key specified in tag of the content node.

    # File lib/webgen/tag/metainfo.rb, line 12
12:     def call(tag, body, context)
13:       output = ''
14:       if tag == 'lang'
15:         output = context.content_node.lang
16:       elsif context.content_node[tag]
17:         output = context.content_node[tag].to_s
18:         output = CGI::escapeHTML(output) if param('tag.metainfo.escape_html')
19:       else
20:         log(:error) { "No value for meta info key '#{tag}' in <#{context.ref_node}> found in <#{context.content_node}>" }
21:       end
22:       output
23:     end

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