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Inserts additional links to CSS/JS files and other HTML head meta info directly before the HTML head end tag.

The data used by this content processor is taken from the Context object. Therefore this processor should be the last in the processing pipeline so that all other processors have been able to set the data.

The key :cp_head of context.persistent is used (the normal context.options won’t do because the data needs to be shared ‘backwards’ during the rendering) and it has to be a Hash with the following values:


An array of already resolved relative or absolute paths to Javascript files.


An array of Javascript fragments to be inserted directly into the head section.


An array of already resolved relative or absolute paths to CSS files.


An array of CSS fragments to be inserted directly into the head section.


A hash with key-value pairs from which meta tags are generated. The keys and the values will be properly escaped before insertion. The entries in the meta information meta of the content node are also used and take precedence over these entries.

Duplicate values will be removed from the above mentioned arrays before generating the output.

Public Instance Methods

call(context) click to toggle source

Insert the additional header information.

     # File lib/webgen/contentprocessor/head.rb, line 36
 36:     def call(context)
 37:       require 'erb'
 38:       context.content.sub!(HTML_HEAD_END_RE) do |match|
 39:         result = ''
 41:         # add content set programmatically
 42:         if context.persistent[:cp_head].kind_of?(Hash)
 43:           context.persistent[:cp_head][:js_file].uniq.each do |js_file|
 44:             result += "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"#{js_file}\"></script>"
 45:           end if context.persistent[:cp_head][:js_file].kind_of?(Array)
 47:           context.persistent[:cp_head][:js_inline].uniq.each do |content|
 48:             result += "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n#{content}\n</script>"
 49:           end if context.persistent[:cp_head][:js_inline].kind_of?(Array)
 51:           context.persistent[:cp_head][:css_file].uniq.each do |css_file|
 52:             result += "\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"#{css_file}\" type=\"text/css\"/>"
 53:           end if context.persistent[:cp_head][:css_file].kind_of?(Array)
 55:           context.persistent[:cp_head][:css_inline].uniq.each do |content|
 56:             result += "\n<style type=\"text/css\"><![CDATA[/\n#{content}\n]]></style>"
 57:           end if context.persistent[:cp_head][:css_inline].kind_of?(Array)
 58:         end
 59:         ((context.persistent[:cp_head] || {})[:meta] || {}).merge(context.node['meta'] || {}).each do |name, content|
 60:           result += "\n<meta name=\"#{ERB::Util.h(name)}\" content=\"#{ERB::Util.h(content)}\" />"
 61:         end
 63:         # add links to other languages of same page
 64:         context.dest_node.tree.node_access[:acn][context.dest_node.acn].
 65:           select {|n| n.alcn != context.dest_node.alcn}.each do |node|
 66:           context.dest_node.node_info[:used_meta_info_nodes] << node.alcn
 67:           result += "\n<link type=\"text/html\" rel=\"alternate\" hreflang=\"#{node.lang}\" "
 68:           result += "href=\"#{context.dest_node.route_to(node)}\" "
 69:           if node['title'] && !node['title'].empty?
 70:             result += "lang=\"#{node.lang}\" title=\"#{ERB::Util.h(node['title'])}\" "
 71:           end
 72:           result += "/>"
 73:         end
 75:         link = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(context.node['link'] || {}))
 77:         handle_files = lambda do |files|
 78:           [files].flatten.compact.collect do |file|
 79:             if !Webgen::Node.url(file, false).absolute?
 80:               file = context.node.resolve(file, context.dest_node.lang)
 81:               if file
 82:                 context.dest_node.node_info[:used_meta_info_nodes] << file.alcn
 83:                 file = context.dest_node.route_to(file)
 84:               else
 85:                 log(:error) { "Could not resolve path '#{file}' used in 'link' meta information in <#{context.node}>" }
 86:                 context.dest_node.flag(:dirty)
 87:               end
 88:             end
 89:             file
 90:           end.compact
 91:         end
 93:         # Add user defined javascript and CSS links
 94:'javascript')).each do |file|
 95:           result += "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"#{file}\"></script>"
 96:         end
 97:'css')).each do |file|
 98:           result += "\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"#{file}\" type=\"text/css\" />"
 99:         end
101:         # add generic links specified via the +link+ meta information
102:         link.sort.each do |link_type, vals|
103:           link_type = link_type.downcase
104:           [vals].flatten.each do |val|
105:             val = {'href' => val} if val.kind_of?(String)
106:             val['rel'] ||= link_type
107:             val = LINK_DOCUMENT_ATTRS.merge(val) if LINK_DOCUMENT_TYPES.include?(link_type)
108:             if href = val.delete('href')
109:               href =
110:             else
111:               log(:error) { "No link target specified for link type '#{link_type}' in 'link' meta information in <#{context.node}>" }
112:             end
113:             if href
114:               s = "\n<link href=\"#{href}\" "
115:               val.sort.each {|k,v| s += "#{k}=\"#{ERB::Util.h(v)}\" "}
116:               result += s + "/>"
117:             end
118:           end
119:         end
121:         result + match
122:       end
123:       context
124:     end

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