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Processes special webgen tags to provide dynamic content.

webgen tags are an easy way to add dynamically generated content to websites, for example menus or breadcrumb trails.



Public Instance Methods

call(context) click to toggle source

Replace all webgen tags in the content of context with the rendered content.

    # File lib/webgen/contentprocessor/tags.rb, line 24
24:     def call(context)
25:       replace_tags(context) do |tag, param_string, body|
26:         log(:debug) { "Replacing tag #{tag} with data '#{param_string}' and body '#{body}' in <#{context.ref_node}>" }
27:         process_tag(tag, param_string, body, context)
28:       end
29:       context
30:     end
process_tag(tag, params, body, context) click to toggle source

Process the tag and return the result. The parameter params needs to be a Hash holding all needed and optional parameters for the tag or a parameter String in YAML format and body is the optional body for the tag. context needs to be a valid Webgen::Context object.

    # File lib/webgen/contentprocessor/tags.rb, line 35
35:     def process_tag(tag, params, body, context)
36:       result = ''
37:       processor = processor_for_tag(tag)
38:       if !processor.nil?
39:         params = if params.kind_of?(String)
40:                    processor.create_tag_params(params, context.ref_node)
41:                  else
42:                    processor.create_params_hash(params, context.ref_node)
43:                  end
45:         processor.set_params(params)
46:         result, process_output =, body, context)
47:         processor.set_params(nil)
48:         result = call(context.clone(:content => result)).content if process_output
49:       else
50:         raise"No tag processor for '#{tag}' found",,
51:                                       context.dest_node, context.ref_node)
52:       end
53:       result
54:     end

Private Instance Methods

processor_for_tag(tag) click to toggle source

Return the tag processor for tag or nil if tag is unknown.

     # File lib/webgen/contentprocessor/tags.rb, line 156
156:     def processor_for_tag(tag)
157:       map = website.config['']
158:       klass = if map.has_key?(tag)
159:                 map[tag]
160:               elsif map.has_key?(:default)
161:                 map[:default]
162:               else
163:                 nil
164:               end
165:       klass.nil? ? nil : website.cache.instance(klass)
166:     end
replace_tags(context) click to toggle source

Return the context.content provided by context.ref_node with all webgen tags replaced. When a webgen tag is encountered by the parser, the method yields all found information and substitutes the returned string for the tag.

     # File lib/webgen/contentprocessor/tags.rb, line 68
 68:     def replace_tags(context) #:yields: tag_name, param_string, body
 69:       scanner =
 70:       data =
 71:       while true
 72:         case data.state
 73:         when :before_tag
 74:           if scanner.skip_until(@start_re)
 75:             data.state = :in_start_tag
 76:             data.backslashes = scanner[1].length
 77:             data.brackets = 1
 78:             data.tag = scanner[2]
 79:             data.simple_tag = (scanner[3] == ':')
 80:             data.params_start_pos = scanner.pos
 81:             data.start_pos = scanner.pos - scanner.matched.length
 82:           else
 83:             data.state = :done
 84:           end
 86:         when :in_start_tag
 87:           data.brackets += (scanner[1] == '{' ? 1 : 1) while data.brackets != 0 && scanner.skip_until(BRACKETS_RE)
 88:           if data.brackets != 0
 89:             raise"Unbalanced curly brackets for tag '#{data.tag}'",,
 90:                                           context.dest_node, context.ref_node)
 91:           else
 92:             data.params_end_pos = data.body_end_pos = data.end_pos = scanner.pos - 1
 93:             data.state = (data.simple_tag ? :process : :in_body)
 94:           end
 96:         when :process
 97:           if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
 98:             begin
 99:               enc = scanner.string.encoding
100:               scanner.string.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
101:               if data.backslashes % 2 == 0
102:                 result = yield(data.tag, scanner.string[].force_encoding(enc),
103:                                scanner.string[(data.params_end_pos+1)].to_s.force_encoding(enc)).to_s
104:                 scanner.string[] = "\\" * (data.backslashes / 2) + result.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
105:                 scanner.pos = data.start_pos + result.length
106:               else
107:                 scanner.string[data.start_pos, 1 + data.backslashes / 2] = ''
108:                 scanner.pos -= 1 + data.backslashes / 2
109:               end
110:             ensure
111:               scanner.string.force_encoding(enc) if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
112:             end
113:           else
114:             if data.backslashes % 2 == 0
115:               result = yield(data.tag, scanner.string[],
116:                              scanner.string[(data.params_end_pos+1)]).to_s
117:               scanner.string[] = "\\" * (data.backslashes / 2) + result
118:               scanner.pos = data.start_pos + result.length
119:             else
120:               scanner.string[data.start_pos, 1 + data.backslashes / 2] = ''
121:               scanner.pos -= 1 + data.backslashes / 2
122:             end
123:           end
124:           data.state = :before_tag
126:         when :in_body
127:           while (result = scanner.skip_until(@end_re))
128:             next unless scanner[2] == data.tag
129:             if scanner[1].length % 2 == 1
130:               scanner.string[(scanner.pos - scanner.matched.length), 1 + scanner[1].length / 2] = ''
131:               scanner.pos -= 1 + scanner[1].length / 2
132:             else
133:               break
134:             end
135:           end
136:           if result
137:             data.state = :process
138:             data.end_pos = scanner.pos - 1
139:             data.body_end_pos = scanner.pos - scanner.matched.length + scanner[1].length / 2
140:           else
141:             raise"Invalid body part - no end tag found for '#{data.tag}'",,
142:                                           context.dest_node, context.ref_node)
143:           end
145:         when :done
146:           break
147:         end
148:       end
149:       scanner.string
150:     rescue Webgen::RenderError => e
151:       e.line = scanner.string[0...scanner.pos].scan("\n").size + 1 unless e.line
152:       raise
153:     end

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