
SummaryProvides paths under a specified directory that match a certain pattern
Short namefile_system
Provided by bundlebuilt-in
API docWebgen::Source::FileSystem


This source extension creates source paths for all files/directories that match a certain pattern under a specific directory.


When using this source, the first parameter is the directory under which the to-be-used files are located. The directory is taken relative to the website directory. The second, optional, parameter specifies a path pattern (see Path Patterns and Dir.glob). The default value for the path pattern is **/* which matches all files/directories under the given root directory.

This is the default source used when creating a new webgen website.


The used sources can be specified via the  sources configuration option, so each of the examples below can directly be used in the configuration file.

  1. All files under the src directory of the website directory are used (the default configuration):

    sources: [[/, file_system, src]]
  2. The default configuration and additionally all files under a misc directory:

      - [/, file_system, src]
      - [/, file_system, misc]
  3. The default configuration and additionally mounting all images from an absolutely specified directory under the /images/ directory:

      - [/, file_system, src]
      - [/images/, file_system, /media/storage/pictures, **/*.jpg]