website title

your slogan here

General Information

This sample website showcases the website style style-andreas04/. Most website styles include dynamic parts by default, for example, automatically generated menus and breadcrumb trails. All such dynamic parts are active in this showcase like they would be on a normal website.

How to use this style

This website style can be used when creating a new website by using the following command:

webgen create -b default -b style-andreas04/ SITE_DIR

Or it can be applied later on to an already existing website by using the following command:

webgen apply style-andreas04/

Style Information

Andreas Viklund (adapted for webgen by Thomas Leitner)
Open source web design template by Andreas Viklund. A simple two-column fluid width template in orange and grey using animated GIFs. Can be used for normal websites but it is probably best used for a blog! Have a look at the available styles in the CSS file and visit the homepage to see the original template and what can be done with it.

July 15, 2006 Posted by Andreas | Tags: Design, XHTML, CSS | 19 comments