

The following tag names are registered for this tag class: link

This tag uses the following options:


This tag can be used to generate a link to an (absolute) (localized) canonical path. The generated link will behave exactly like the ones generated by, for example, the breadcrumb trail tag or the menu tag. So it respects the setting of the configuration option website.link_to_current_page which means that if this option is set to false only a span element and not an a element is created.

The configuration option tag.link.attr lets you specify additional HTML options that should be set on the generated link. It can also be used to set the link text via the special :link_text key!


{link: /default.css} Default
{link: link.html} Webgen::Tag::Link
{link: link.html#description} Description
{link: ../} Documentation
{link: {path: relocatable.html, attr: {:link_text: A nicer link text, title: Just a title}}} A nicer link text