

The following tag names are registered for this tag class: langbar

This tag uses the following options:


This tag is used to display a list of links to translations of the page. The text that is displayed can be set via the configuration option tag.langbar.lang_names (if not set, the language code is shown).

The option tag.langbar.process_output is useful in conjunction with tag.langbar.lang_names to display language flags. For example, you can use the following entries in config.yaml:

  en: |
    <img src="{relocatable: img/flag_english.gif}" alt="English flag"/> English
  de: |
    <img src="{relocatable: img/flag_german.gif}" alt="German flag"/> Deutsch

tag.langbar.process_output: true

This assumes that the langbar tag is only used in src/default.template and the flag images are under src/img/ (otherwise the relocatable tag cannot correctly find the paths). To work around this, you could specify the lang_names directly in the langbar tag.

The CSS class webgen-langbar-current-lang is assigned to the HTML tag for the currently selected language.


{langbar:} en
{langbar: {lang_names: {en: Englisch}}} Englisch