

As short name for the content processor (used, for example, in the pipeline option of a block in a file in Webgen Page Format) one of the following can be used: textile, redcloth.


This processor converts the content, which is assumed to be in Textile markup, to HTML by using the RedCloth library. For detailed information about Textile have a look at the Textile Reference!

This extension is only available if you have installed the redcloth library. The preferred way to do this is via Rubygems:

gem install RedCloth

You can use the configuration option contentprocessor.redcloth.hard_breaks to enable/disable the conversion of single newlines into HTML break tags.


Here is a short sample of a text in Textile markup:

h1(#myid). This a h1 header

You can just write *your* paragraphs here and
"link":http://someurl.com them below. This is also a
**nice** format!

<blockquote class='information>
Citations are easy too.
Really. And you can assign them attributes.

* Lists
* aren't
* difficult
* either.