

As short name for the content processor (used, for example, in the pipeline option of a block in a file in Webgen Page Format) one of the following can be used: less.


This content processor converts content in LESS format to valid CSS using the LESS library.

LESS is an extension of CSS which allows the use of variables, mixins, operations and nested rules. Since a normal CSS file is a valid LESS file, the transition to LESS is very easy. For detailed information about LESS have a look at its documentation page!

This extension is only available if you have installed the less library. The preferred way to do this is via Rubygems:

gem install less


Here is a short sample of a text in LESS format:

@base: #543;

#header {
  color: @base;
  a {
    color: @base * 2;
    text-decoration: underline;