

As short name for the content processor (used, for example, in the pipeline option of a block in a file in Webgen Page Format) one of the following can be used: fragments.


This processor generates nested fragment nodes from all headers h1 to h6 which have an id attribute set.

This is only done for the block named content or if no block is associated with the given render context! This is to ensure that fragment nodes are not created from multiple block of one page file. So this content processor has no effect when used in the pipeline of blocks except if the block is named content.

The default markup language kramdown automatically generates an id attribute for all headers. If you use another markup language or plain old HTML, you might need to set the id attributes by hand.

The reason why only header tags with an id attribute are used is that only those can be referenced and linked to later.

The generated fragment nodes can be used like any other node. So you can link to them and use them in a menu. Concerning the menu, there is a setting for the tag.menu.used_nodes option called fragments which only uses the fragment node of the current page to generate a menu. This allows to generate a nice overview of the page.